Seabreeze Shawl
The Seabreeze Shawl is the kind of accessory to crochet that makes you feel like, despite the fleeting summertime, a few seaside…
Crochet patterns and tutorials
The Seabreeze Shawl is the kind of accessory to crochet that makes you feel like, despite the fleeting summertime, a few seaside…
Barbie can hit the beach right after the big movie premiere in her new Coastal Dress. This dress completes my Barbie Beach…
As July unfolds and nature blooms, it’s the perfect time to crochet some butterflies, so I designed this Butterfly Table Runner to…
Granny squares have made a real comeback, giving us so many colorful ideas for new creations, so using my fine crochet thread…
I feel like Hawaii is always calling, so I decided to crochet the Aloha Dress and Bag for Barbie to get ready…
As the sun shines brighter each day and warm summer days beckon, what better way to accompany your next trip to the…
Flowers are a nature’s wonder and endless source of beauty, and it’s such a joy to crochet them, so here are my…
Here is another flower doily to crochet and I call this one a Blooming Doily for the round bouquet of 8 flowers.…
If you love roses as much as I do, then I hope you will want to crochet this beautiful Rose Table Runner…
The Waffle Stitch Cozy design is inspired by my Waffle Pumpkin that I published last fall. Using the same waffle stitch the…
Start off your spring season with a list of patterns you can’t wait to start crocheting, so here is the collection of…
Here is my new Easter design that will help celebrate the season, so I invite you to crochet the Bunny Table Runner…