I just shipped these four red and pink mini backpacks to my Etsy customer. It’s so exciting for me when customers find my handmade products on Etsy.com and order their preferred versions. Just like this last time, my dear client ordered some denim mini backpacks and before shipping I checked with her which colors she preferred, maybe light blue or brown leather that I offered in my listing, to make sure I sent her the bags she wanted. And what a good thing I asked, because it turned out she didn’t want any of my denim colors, but preferred red and pink instead. I’m very grateful for that color choice because the new little bags turned out adorable and so cheerful!
So this is what I find the most exciting about making handmade products, the customer has a choice to order their preferred color and size of the product, and I get to create a whole new line of my popular product line. I appreciate this creative input about the new mini backpacks because I have so many different projects in mind with all the different color schemes, so when I get a request from my customer to create something totally new, I want to write about it in my blog and show my audience what a great idea we generated together.

How to crochet mini backpacks
Good news! You can make your own mini backpack with the help of my video tutorial. You will find both video tutorial and written pattern here: https://handmadebyraine.com/mini-backpack/
I made these mini backpacks with DMC Natura Just Cotton Denim yarn (the blue ones), which I consider one of the most unique yarns I have worked with (made in Italy). The brown bag is made of Lion Brand Jeans yarn which is so cozy and soft, yet perfect for mini backpack because I went back to the store to get red and pink colors of Lion Brand Jeans yarn to crochet the bags that my Etsy customer requested.
Happy crocheting!
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