What’s better than to create romantic atmosphere with crocheting Valentine doily in pink! This pattern is designed by S. Schidelko.
Don’t let the long written pattern scare you, there is lot of repetition and it’s actually quite easy to crochet this vintage looking Valentine doily. I recommend watching the video as well for visual help.
Time to learn a new song “A Time for Love”.
The Valentine doily definitely needs blocking after you finish it. I usually make the doily wet, stretch it out on blocking mats and attach it with pins. I also spray some starch to give it extra firm shape. Let it dry completely before removing the pins.
I use Aunt Lydia’s crochet thread size 10 color Soft Mauve and crochet hook 1.75 mm. My doily measures 15 inches in diameter. You could also crochet this doily using thread size 20 and hook 1.25 mm or 1.5 mm to get smaller more delicate piece.
Abbreviations: ch = chain sl st = slip stitch R = round dc = double crochet beg = beginning sc = single crochet dtr = double triple crochet dc3tog = double crochet 3 together dc2tog = double crochet 2 together tr = triple crochet
- Ch 8, sl st in 1st ch to make a ring.
- R1 = ch3 (counts as 1st dc here and throughout), dc 23 in the ring (24 dc), sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R2 = ch1, sc in same st, *ch9, skip 2 st, sc in next st, repeat from*, instead of last 9ch = ch4, dtr in beg sc.
- R3 = ch3, dc2 in same st, ch7, *dc3 in 5th ch of next ch9, ch7, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R4 = ch2, dc2tog in same st, ch5, dc3 in 4th ch of next ch7, ch5, *dc3tog in next 3 dc, ch5, dc3 in 4th ch of next ch7, ch5, repeat from*, sl st on top of beg dc-cluster.
- R5 = ch 10, dc3tog in next 3 dc, ch7, *dc in next dc3tog, ch7, dc3tog in next 3 dc, ch7, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R6 = sl st in next ch7-space, ch3, dc4 in same ch7-space, ch1, dc5 in next ch7-space, ch3, sc in next dc, ch3, *dc5 in next ch7-space, ch1, dc5 in next ch7-space, ch3, sc in next dc, ch3, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R7 = ch3, dc1 in each next 4 dc, ch2, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch5, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, *dc 1 in each next 5dc, ch2, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch5, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R8 = ch3, dc1 in each next 4 dc, ch3, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch4, sc in next ch5-space, ch4, *dc 1 in each next 5dc, ch3, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch4, sc in next ch5-space, ch4, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R9 = ch3, dc1 in each next 4 dc, ch4, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch3, sc in next ch4-space, ch5, sc in next ch4-space, ch3, *dc 1 in each next 5dc, ch4, dc1 in each next 5 dc, ch3, sc in next ch4-space, ch5, sc in next ch4-space, ch3, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R10 = ch3, dc1 in each next 4 dc, ch7, dc1 in in each next 5 dc, ch3, sc in next ch5-space, ch3, *dc 1 in each next 5dc, ch7, dc 1 in each next 5dc, ch3, sc in next ch5-space, ch3, repeat from*, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R11 = ch3, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch5, dc in 4th ch of ch7, ch5, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 3 dc, ch3, (sc in next ch3-space, ch3) twice, dc1 in each next 3 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch5, dc in 4th ch of ch7, ch5, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 3 dc, ch3, (sc in next ch3-space, ch3) twice, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R12 = ch3, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch5, dc in next dc, ch5, dc in same dc, ch5, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch3, sc in middle ch3-space (skipping first ch3 and sc on round 11), ch3, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch5, dc in next dc, ch5, dc in same dc, ch5, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch3, sc in middle ch3-space, ch3, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R13 = ch3, dc1 in same st, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, skip next ch5-space, dc13 in next ch5-space, ch4, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc2 in next dc, ch3, dc2 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, skip next ch5-space, dc13 in next ch5-space, ch4, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc2 in next dc, ch3, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R14 = ch3, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, dc + ch1 in each next 6 dc, dc+ch1+dc in next dc (7th of 13dc), ch1 + dc in each next 6 dc, ch4, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc3 in ch3-space, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, dc + ch1 in each next 6 dc, dc+ch1+ dc in next dc, ch1 + dc in each next 6 dc, ch4, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc3 in ch3-space, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R15 = ch 6 (counts as 1st dc and 3 ch), skip next ch1-space, sc+ch3 in each next 4 ch1-space, skip next ch1-space, dc2 in next ch1-space, ch3, skip next ch1-space, sc+ch3 in each next 4 ch1-space, skip next ch1-space, dc1 in last dc, ch4, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 3 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, dc1 in next dc, ch3, skip next ch1-space, sc+ch3 in each next 4 ch1-space, skip next ch1-space, dc2 in next ch1-space, ch3, skip next ch1-space, sc+ch3 in each next 4 ch1-space, skip next ch1-space, dc1 in last dc, ch4, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 3 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R16 = ch3, dc in same st, ch3, skip next ch3-space, sc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, ch3, dc2 in next dc, ch3, sc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, ch4, *dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, dc2 in next dc, ch3, skip next ch3-space, sc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, ch3, dc2 in next dc, ch3, sc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, ch4, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch4, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R17 = ch3, dc2 in next dc, skip next ch3-space, ch3, sc+ch3 in each next 2 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in next dc, ch3, dc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc1 in next dc, dc2 in next dc, ch3, skip next ch3-space, sc+ch3 in each next 2 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in next dc, ch5, *dc3tog in next 3 dc, ch5, dc1 in next dc, dc2 in next dc, ch3, sc+ch3 in each next 2 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in next dc, ch3, dc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc1 in next dc, dc2 in next dc, ch3, sc+ch3 in each next 2 ch3-space, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in next dc, ch5, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with dc3tog in next 3 dc, ch5, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R18 = ch3, dc1 in next dc, dc2 in next dc, skip next ch3-space, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch3, (dc in next ch3-space) twice, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2 in next dc, skip next ch3-space, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, *ch4, dc in 4th ch of next 5ch, ch4, dc in 2nd ch of next 5ch, ch4, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2 in next dc, skip next ch3-space, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch3, (dc in next ch3-space) twice, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2 in next dc, skip next ch3-space, ch3, sc in next ch3-space, ch3, dc2 in next dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with ch4, dc in 4th ch of next 5ch, ch4, dc in 2nd ch of next 5ch, ch4, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R19 = ch2, dc1 in each next 3 dc, ch1, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch1, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, *ch4, dc+ch4 in each next 3 ch4-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch1, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 3 ch3-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in each next 2 dc, ch1, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with ch4, dc+ch4 in each next 3 ch4-space, sl st on top of beg dc2tog.
- R20 = ch2, dc1 in each next 2 dc, dc1 in next ch1-space, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 4 ch3-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc1 in next ch1-space, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, *ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, tr5 in next dc, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc1 in next ch1-space, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 4 ch3-space, dc2tog in next 2 dc, dc1 in next dc, dc1 in next ch1-space, dc1 in next dc, dc2tog in next 2 dc, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, tr5 in next dc, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, sl st on top of beg dc2tog.
- R21 = ch2, dc4tog in next 4 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 5 ch3-space, dc5tog in next 5 dc, *ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, tr5 in next dc, dc in 3rd tr on round 20, tr5 in next dc, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, dc5tog in next 5 dc, ch3, dc+ch3 in each next 5 ch3-space, dc5tog in next 5 dc, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, tr5 in next dc, dc in 3rd tr on round 20, tr5 in next dc, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, sl st on top of beg dc4tog.
- R22 = ch7 (counts as 1st dc and 4 ch), dc+ch4 in each next 6 ch3-space, dc on top of dc5tog, *ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, ch4, dc in 3rd tr on round 21, tr5 in next dc, dc in 3rd tr on round 21, ch4, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, dc on top of dc5tog, ch4, dc+ch4 in each next 6 ch3-space, dc on top of dc5tog, repeat from*, after last repeat end the round with ch4+dc in each next 2 ch4-space, ch4, dc in 3rd tr on round 21, tr5 in next dc, dc in 3rd tr on round 21, ch4, dc+ch4 in each next 2 ch4-space, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R23 = ch7, dc+ch4 in each ch4-space and in each 3rd tr (112 ch4-spaces), sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R24 = sl st in next ch4-space, ch8 (counts as 1st tr and 4 ch), tr in same ch4-space, ch3, sc in next ch4-space, ch3, *tr+ch4+tr in next ch4-space, ch3+sc+ch3 in next ch4-space, repeat from*, sl st in 4th beg ch.
- R25 = sl st in next ch4-space, ch2, dc in same space, (ch2 + dc2tog in same space) 4 times, *in next ch4-space dc2tog, (ch2 + dc2tog) 4 times, repeat from*, sl st on top of beg dc2tog.
- Fasten off, cut off, weave in ends.
And see all my doilies here.
Happy crocheting!
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