Here’s how I created the pretty Signature bag for summer. As it usually happens to me I get the inspiration from materials. And lately I’ve grown very fond of natural cotton yarns. So when I discovered Bernat Softee Baby Cotton yarn at crafts store, I just bought it feeling confident I can find a good project for it. I picked out Soft Plum color which is a beautiful shade somewhere between lavender and light pink. I thought white cream would complement it perfectly. And once I had these two beautiful pastel colors waiting to be used, I realized they would make an amazing alternative to my traditional Lion Brand cotton Signature bag! Do you think so too?

Do you remember my Signature bag line? Here is a little refresher:
As my other bags, this Signature bag also features silver magnetic clasp to keep the bag closed and things from spilling out. The fabric lining is essential and this one I’m especially proud of. The pink white floral stretchy fabric is so pretty you’ll almost want to turn the bag inside out 🙂 And the rope handles make me want to grab the bag and head straight to the beach. Even though this Signature bag is not exactly nautical style I still think the rope handles add to the summery feeling.

I recently made another crochet bag and that one is a real beach bag – check it out:
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