Here’s how to crochet pineapple doily! This is a doily pattern with many variations, from easy to difficult skill level. In this tutorial you will learn to make an easy one!
The pattern is courtesy of Drops Design Garnstudio.
I recommend using non-mercerized cotton for the pineapple doily. It means untreated yarn and to me it looks and feels more natural than the mercerized cotton. I found my perfect light green and pink colors among Anchor Crafts cotton selection (made in Hungary). It’s about the same size as Aunt Lydia’s crochet thread 10 or Lion Brand cotton bonbons. One ball of 50 grams is enough to make one doily.
The pineapple doily definitely needs blocking after you finish it. I usually make the doily wet, stretch it out on blocking mats and attach it with pins. I also spray some starch to give it extra firm shape but that is optional.
I hope you have fun crocheting this pineapple doily!
Please share the photo of your doily on my Facebook page:
or Instagram @handmadebyraine.
You will need 50g cotton yarn. I used two sizes of crochet hooks. The pink doily is made with 2.75 mm hook and it measures about 15 inches in diameter, while the green one is made with 2.25 mm hook and measures about 13 inches.
Abbreviations: R = round ch = chain dc = double crochet sl st = slip stitch beg = beginning tr = triple crochet dc2tog = double crochet 2 together tr2tog = triple crochet 2 together
- R1 – make a magic ring, ch 3 and dc 13 into the ring, pull the ring tight by the yarn tail, sl st in the beg 3rd ch.
- R2 – ch 2 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 5, *dc2tog (please see the video how to do it, in the video I call it 2 dc-cluster) into the next 2 st, ch 5, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster. You have 7 dc clusters.
- R3 – sl st into the 5ch-space, ch 2 and dc in the same space (counts as first dc-cluster), dc1+ch3+dc1 in the same space, dc2tog in the same space, ch 4, *dc2tog+dc1+ch3+dc1+dc2tog in the next 5ch-space, ch 4, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster.
- R4 – ch 2 and dc 1 in the next st, dc2+ch3+dc2 in the 3ch-space, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, *dc2tog in the next 2st, dc2+ch3+dc2 in the 3ch-space, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster.
- R5 – ch 2 and dc 1 in the next st, dc 1 in the next st, dc2+ch3+dc2 in the 3ch-space, dc 1 in the next st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, *dc2tog in the next 2 st, dc 1 in the next st, dc2+ch3+dc3 in the 3ch-space, dc 1 in the next st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster.
- R6 – ch 2 and dc 1 in the next st, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch3, dc 1 in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, dc 1 in each next 2 st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, *dc2tog in the next 2 st, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch3+dc1+ch3, dc 1 in each next 2 st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster.
- R7 – ch 2 and dc 1 in the next st, dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, dc1+ch6+dc1 in the next dc (the single one), ch 3, dc 1 in the next st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, *dc2tog in the next 2st, dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, dc1+ch6+dc1 in the next dc, ch 3, dc 1 in the next st, dc2tog in the next 2 st, ch 4, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of the first cluster.
- R8 – ch 3, dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, dc 7 and ch 1 between each dc in the next 6ch-space, ch 3, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, *dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, dc 7 and ch 1 between each dc in the next 6ch-space, ch 3, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R9 – ch 3, dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first dc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) five more times, ch 3, skip next dc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, *dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first dc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) five more times, ch 3, skip next dc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R10 – ch 3 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) four more times, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, dc 1 in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, * dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) four more times, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3 dc 1 in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R11 – ch 3 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) three more times, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2+tr1 in the next dc (the single one), ch 3, * dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) three more times, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2+tr1 in the next dc, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R12 – ch 3 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) twice more, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 2 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, * dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, (ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space) twice more, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 2 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R13 – ch 3 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 6 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, * dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3 and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 6 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R14 – ch 3 and dc 1 in the next st, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 10 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, * dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, ch 3, skip next 3ch and first sc and sc in the next 3ch-space, ch 3, skip next sc and 3ch, dc 1 in each next 2 st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 10 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R15 – ch 3 and tr in the next st, tr2tog in the next 2st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 14 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, * tr2tog in the next 2 st, also tr2tog in the next 2st, ch 3, tr1+dc2 in the next tr, dc 1 in each next 14 dc, dc2+tr1 in the next tr, ch 3, repeat from* six times, sl st in top of first tr2tog st.
- R16 – sl st between the first two tr2tog stitches, ch 5, dc in the next 3ch-space, ch 2, dc in the same 3ch-space, ch 2, dc in the next tr, ch 2, (skip next st, dc in the next st, ch 2) four times, skip next 2st, dc in the next st, ch 2, (skip next st, dc in the next st, ch 2) four times, dc in the next 3ch-space, ch 2, dc in the same 3ch-space, ch 2, dc in space between t tr2tog stitches, ch 2, dc in the next 3ch-space, ch 2, dc in the same 3ch-space, ch 2 … and repeat all around, sl st in 3rd beg ch.
- R17 – ch 3, dc 2 in the same space, ch 1, dc 3 in the same space (first shell), skip next 2ch-space and dc and sc in the next 2ch-space, *skip next dc and 2ch-space, dc3+ch1+dc3 in the next dc (2nd shell), skip next 2ch-space and dc and sc in the next 2ch-space, repeat from* all around, sl st in 3rd beg ch. Fasten off.
Check out the other doily tutorials here:
Happy crocheting!
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