Lately I have discovered the beauty of ponchos, so I chose Red Heart Fire And Ice Poncho as my first ever to crochet!
In my mind, a poncho is kind of like a step-up from the shawl because it sits perfectly around your body and doesn’t have to be tied. So it’s more like a garment than accessory and very convenient one.

Red Heart pattern is totally free and it’s really great because it includes both written instructions and a chart. I followed mostly the chart because I prefer the visual but it’s great to have written notes to refer to for extra help.
Click here for the link to Red Heart Fire And Ice Poncho pattern in case you’d like to make your own.
Here is the photo journey of my crocheting progress:

It seems that the poncho got its name from the Red Heart yarn – It’s A Wrap color Fiesta. I happened to have the same yarn in color Whisper at home and I love the softer color combination for the poncho. Red Heart has a great selection and color combinations of the same yarn, so make sure to check them all out.
If you enjoy crocheting shawls and ponchos, please check out my Picot Mesh Shawl which is my original design. I plan to make a poncho with the same picot mesh stitch for the next summer. Here is a little preview:

Happy crocheting!
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1 Comment
I have made this poncho in a gradient yarn and I love the delicate, lacy pattern which I also think this would look beautiful in a shawl and would love to see you do one.